The Cost of Living in Arkansas

As time goes by, the cost of living tends to increase. Some parts of the United States have higher costs of living than others, which depends on many different factors. Let's take a closer look at the cost of living in Arkansas...

According to, the average cost of living in Arkansas is 84.3 on the cost of living index. This means that overall, the cost of living in Arkansas is less than the national average of 100. Out of all the factors taken into account in this average figure—grocery, health, housing, utilities, transportation, and miscellaneoushousing is the lowest factor. Housing costs in Arkansas scores 64 in comparison with the national average of 100 (costs registering over 100 are therefore higher than the national average).

The Clinton Library in Little Rock, AR

The Clinton Library in Little Rock, AR

Another website provides 2016 data on a breakdown of different living costs in Arkansas. With housing for instance, the average monthly rent for a 900 square foot apartment or home in Little Rock ranges from about $850 to $1,095, and the monthly cost of utilities averages at about $120 for a small studio apartment.

According to recent cost-of-living research, the cost of living in Central Arkansas (Little Rock, North Little Rock, Conway, etc.) is generally about 3% below the national average, while the cost of healthcare in this area is above the national average. Average childcare, housing, and transportation costs, however, remain below the national average. Moving away from the metropolitan areas, the cost of living decreases to 4% below the national average and beyond. However, in Northwest Arkansas (Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers, etc.), living costs average 7% below the national average. Pine Bluff and Jonesboro reflect a cost of living similar to the rural areas of Arkansas, which ranges from 10% -12% below the national average. In Arkansas’s rural areas, transportation costs are higher, but taxes, healthcare, childcare, and housing all remain below the national average.

Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, AR

Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, AR

What does this all mean? Generally, it means that Arkansas offers a relatively low cost of living. A Talk Business & Politics article from 2015 explained that the cost of living in Arkansas is the second-lowest in the nation. This means that money earned in Arkansas “goes further than just about any other state.” Even with higher state sales taxes, people earning income in Arkansas have greater buying power than in other states and are able to afford better housing due to the lower housing costs. The only other state in the nation with a lower cost of living is Arkansas’s neighbor, Mississippi.

Moving with Children? How to Make it a Great Experience...

When the time to move to a new home draws near, chances are your kids may not be looking forward to moving day. Like in the movies, some kids may be experiencing a range of emotions, from anger, to sadness, to excitement, as their parents drive them away from their old house past the “SOLD” sticker pasted over the For Sale sign. However, moving with kids does not have to be this dramatic. This article will discuss some easy steps to get your kids on board for a worry-free and fun move!

Before moving day, plan on gathering the family for a “move meeting” to calmly go over the details and schedule of the move. If your kids feel more involved in the decision making, they are less likely to feel like it’s something they have to do. Try making a moving-day plan with lists to check off as steps are completed, with the kids completing tasks along the way. Keeping the kids focused on those tasks may just help the time go by faster!

Next, allow the kids to begin planning their new spaces. Taking them to the new home and letting them brainstorm about how to arrange their new rooms will turn a potentially drama-filled experience into an exciting adventure. It’s likely your kids will also enjoy taking part in deciding how to arrange furniture, what colors to choose for the walls, and how to decorate the living areas.

Writing a letter to the new owners of your old home can also be a fun and novel activity. Gather the family to sit and write about things each person loved about the house, or why the house is special. Maybe include some favorite stories of pets or funny things that happened there. Bringing together the family for an activity like this will help the kids keep a positive attitude about the move and will result in some lasting memories.

On moving day, utilize the extra help your kids can provide by assigning tasks to each child. You can even make it a game with rewards for finishing packing or cleaning! Also have each kid compile a “moving-day box,” which should contain their essentials and favorite small items. The kids will likely feel more comfortable keeping these more valuable items separate from the chaos of the rest of the moving boxes. Ease of access = ease of mind!

After the hectic throws of moving day are over, it’s time to go exploring the new environment! After the essentials are unpacked, get the kids outside to walk around and breathe in some fresh air. They’ll start taking in their new surroundings, and maybe even meet some other kids in the neighborhood.

The most important tip for moving day is to have a positive attitude. Your mood affects your kids’ moods more than you may realize, and it’s important to project a sense of positivity and confidence when tackling an obstacle like moving to a new home. Stay positive and energetic, and your kids will too!

Easy Tips for Making Your New Home Environmentally Friendly

When you move to a new home, getting a fresh start is important. One way to start is committing to making your new home environmentally friendly. The moving process may involve a lot of work and stress, but keeping your new home environmentally efficient doesn’t have to. For example, environmentally friendly upgrades can be as easy as installing a new door or water filtration system. Here are a few tips for making some simple upgrades your new home and keeping it green.

A smart thermostat is an easy upgrade that will reduce environmental waste and also save you money. Programmable thermostats allow you to have more control over the climate in your home and when the air conditioning runs. Newer smart thermostats even “learn” your schedule, reducing energy waste by keeping the system off when it’s not necessary and adjusting to fluctuations in temperature. It’s a win-win: reduces waste to the environment and your energy bill!


Replacing doors that allow air to leak from inside your home is another simple green upgrade that can be made. Many homes waste energy because of air escaping under—and through—front doors. Hollow wooden doors, for instance, are much less efficient than insulated steel doors. Installing a thicker door with foam insulation will increase efficiency by keeping out wind and chill and moderating the temperature in your home. With a properly insulated and sealed door, you’ll waste less energy, save money, and stay more comfortable. Also, who wouldn’t want an attractive new entryway on their new home?

Using a water filtration system is another easy green improvement that can save you money. Americans use millions plastic bottles per year, most of which end up in landfills. People are more inclined to use plastic bottled water when they don’t like the quality or taste of tap water. Luckily, Central Arkansas’ water is some of the best in America, but if you’re looking for purity, try installing a basic water filter on your sink to avoid spending money plastic water bottles that end up as waste.  

Speaking of recyclable items, setting up a recycling system is another simple way to go green. Even if your neighborhood has recycling pick-up, as many do, you can begin the recycling process by sorting recyclables in your home. Try keeping separate bins for plastic, paper, and glass in your home so that you can stay on top of the pile-up. The bins can be small or large—either way they will help your kitchen stay neat and organized, reduce clutter, and most importantly, keep you in the habit of recycling!

Brandon Moving How-To: Find the Best Insurance Rates for Your New Home

If you are buying or renting a new home, you’ve probably learned by now that home insurance is expensive. Many people become discouraged and end up “settling” for a policy that doesn’t have great coverage. This doesn’t have to be the case. Here are some tricks to choosing the right insurance coverage plan and keeping it affordable:

Insurance agencies are companies, like any other, that are willing to offer incentives to get your business. Many insurance agencies offer bundled coverage—allowing you a better rate when you buy multiple policies together. Doing this simplifies the claims process and can save you as much as 30% on the cost. These days some insurance agencies are offering life insurance policies within bundles, which can save you even more. 

home insurance

Upgrading security at your home will also reduce insurance rates. Having functioning smoke detectors, fire alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors will help keep your premium low, but installing advanced detectors and alarm systems can keep them even lower. For instance, you can cut your monthly premium by up to 20% by connecting to a central monitoring system. If you are renting and cannot install a central system, you can still lower your renter’s insurance rates by installing upgraded door locks and smoke detectors, as well as making general upgrades to the security of the property (of course, get your landlord’s permission before making any major alterations). 

Like any product, you want to consider different insurance policies from different companies before you buy it. Instead of signing onto the first policy you find in the chaos of buying your home, take the time to shop around for the best rates. You should compare coverage policies and premiums from at least three different insurance providers and weigh the value of each policy offered. 

best rates

Keeping a good credit rating is important. A high credit score doesn’t just allow you finalize your home purchase, lease, or loan—it also keeps your insurance premium low. Make it a point to pay all of your bills on time and keep your credit card balance low to keep your insurance premium low. 

Lastly, raising your policy’s deductible is another way to save. Your deductible is the set amount of the damage you agree to pay out-of-pocket for a claim before insurance covers any damages. If you can afford to pay a little more out-of-pocket if you do have to file an insurance claim, you can raise the deductible to lower your monthly interest rate. The drawback, however, is that you could end up paying a large amount out-of-pocket if your house was significantly damaged. But insurance is, by nature, a gamble.

Don’t be afraid to take the time needed to evaluate all of your insurance policy options before you sign. If you are renting or buying a new home, keep these tips in mind and find the coverage you need without overpaying.  

The Basics: Housewarming Parties

    Moving into a new home is an exciting thing—why not share the excitement by throwing a party?! Whether you’re moving in-town or cross-country, this article will give you some tips on throwing the ultimate housewarming party to celebrate your new home.

    The first step is preparation. Cleanliness and organization are key. Moving in is often hectic, but it is also the perfect opportunity to smartly organize and make it easy to keep the home tidy. Organize and put away your unpacked boxes to keep your rooms clutter-free when friends arrive. Don’t forget to have toiletries in the restrooms for your guests!

    Food (and drink) is the next most important aspect to the ultimate housewarming party. If weather permits, a backyard barbeque always a fun and social option. If you have a small fire pit (even an inexpensive portable one), you could even gather ‘round to heat s’mores or hot dogs. The easiest and most affordable things you can cook outside are burgers, hot dogs, and large cuts of meat (brisket, pork butt, etc).

    Inside, there are endless options to provide buffet-style appetizers—from cheese and crackers to cocktail weenies to sliders—that guests will definitely remember as a highlight to the party. Dips, casseroles, and pizzas are some easy ways to feed a large group. Your guests will probably offer to contribute in some way. Allowing them to help will not only lighten your load; it'll give you a chance to make your guests feel appreciated.

    A cooler full of ice cold beverages is a necessity. What you fill your cooler with will depend on your audience, but having bottled water, popular sodas, and sugar-free drinks will guarantee that you've covered all your bases. Never be afraid to ask your guests to bring the beverages they prefer.

    Who to invite? Friends and family that like fun, food, and drinks! If you have moved to a new city, this part can be a little intimidating. However, there may not be a better opportunity to meet your neighbors. Break the ice by inviting your co-workers, neighbors, or other new acquaintances for a Friday evening housewarming party—who doesn’t like new houses and free food?

    Aside from tidiness and food availability, there are a few more small things you can do to make your housewarming party hip. For one, have a playlist of your favorite music or easy-listening music going as a background (but not too loud). Have board games out, especially if there are kids, and outdoor games like badminton or horseshoes if the weather is nice. It’s also a great idea to keep out an address book to exchange information.

    With these tips in mind, you’ll be on the way to settling into your new home the right way by hosting an awesome housewarming party!

Housewarming Gift Ideas & Tips!

Housewarming parties are a time for friends and family to get together to create new memories and bring cheer to a new place. When you’re welcomed into someone’s home, a housewarming gift is a customary way to say “thank you” to the host or hostess. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but you should never show up empty-handed!

Here are Brandon Moving's housewarming gift ideas and tips:

-At casual get-togethers, a small gift is always appropriate. Flowers in vases (or even mason jars) and specialty food items are always appreciated.

-Even though it can seem difficult to buy food items for people, nice olive oils, candy, fruit preserves, and spice grinders or salt cellars are great ideas. 

-Wine cork candles, dish or guest towels, picture frames, or small serving dishes are simple gifts that would be lasting for a home.

-If the host or hostess is a close friend, choose a gift that is a reflection of your friendship or a gift that reflects his or her personal style. A small piece of art, alma mater memorabilia, books or magazines, or a small antique are possible gift ideas. If you’re buying for a couple, take their personal hobbies and interests into consideration. For example, if they enjoy camping or the outdoors, gifts like lanterns or grilling and campfire cooking utensils would make great gifts. 

-Some people are just difficult to buy for. For those friends, you may want to give a Bed Bath & Beyond gift certificate. Moving brings the chance for a fresh start, and your friends will appreciate you for helping them replace their old bathroom accessories. 

-Netflix, Home Depot, and Amazon are also great and practical gift card ideas for new homeowners. 

-Footing the bill for the first two or three months of a lawn care service would be a great gift for a couple as they adjust to their new home.

-If the housewarming party is for neighbors who are new to the area, a gift that introduces them to the community is best. Consider putting together a welcome kit that contains information about the area – a small item from a local boutique, menus from the best restaurants in the area, or information about community events. 

-It is important, however, that your gift isn’t too “over the top.” Keeping it simple is always the best route (even if you are just gifting a gift card!)

-When in doubt, you can never go wrong with a bottle of wine!


Warning: Don't obsess on the perfect gift. Your friends will appreciate the gesture no matter what.

Affordable Ways to Furnish Your First Home

Moving into your first home is a time of great excitement and adventure, but the stress of furnishing and decorating it on a budget can dampen your spirits. A few simple steps can help save you money and relieve some of that stress.

First, don’t be afraid to ask your family or neighbors if they have any extra furniture from home they are willing to give or sell to you. They may have the basic necessities that will get you started, and while it won’t help you get that brand new wide-screen television, it may help you avoid spending a lot of money on brand new pieces.  

Second, check out websites like Craigslist and Freecycle, or online garage sales. These are great places to find items in your area, and people are usually willing to negotiate prices.  The items may not be brand new, but look for items that are in good shape and will fit in with your decorating style. Most sellers will expect you to go to their home or to meet at a central location to pick up an item, so if you know you’ll need help moving it. Remember to always be safe when linking up with anybody via the internet. Always bring a friend with you.

Another great way to find furniture and decorations is by scoping out yard sales and estate sales. When you’re driving around your neighborhood, make it a habit to keep an eye out for yard sale signs, and remember that most people willing be willing to haggle in order to get an item sold.

You shouldn’t feel rushed to have your entire home decorated the week you move in, so take some time and shop around for sales. Make a list of items you need most, and compare prices at different décor and furniture stores. If you know a particular item will go on sale, resisting the pressure to buy it right away can save you money. Don’t forget to look online – online deals are often much better than in the stores. If you do end up purchasing something online, check shipping costs to make sure you are getting lowest price. Most retailers will offer free shipping if you have the item shipped to the store for pickup.

While you’ll be able to move small items yourself, you may need to contact a professional moving company for help. Movers transport your furniture and appliances in one trip, and they make sure to take care to not damage your belongings. Brandon Moving is always here to help!

Fun Things To Do In Central Arkansas

Central Arkansas provides endless opportunities for entertainment and travel destinations in the Natural State. Whether indoors or outdoors, there are plenty of things to do in Little Rock and the surrounding areas that will provide hours of family fun.

Toltec Mounds

Toltec Mounds

Central Arkansas has an impressive assortment of natural and historical landmarks to experience and enjoy. Just outside of Little Rock, for instance, is Toltec Mounds State Park. Native Americans of the late-Woodland and early-Mississippian Period made ceremonial earthworks on this site over 1,200 years ago—three of which still stand today! Take the kids along the Knapp trail for a fun and educational experience at Toltec Mounds Archeological State Park. Learn More!

The Museum of Discovery

The Museum of Discovery

The Museum of Discovery in Little Rock is also a great (and educational) family destination. The MOD is Arkansas’ premier science center and is considered to be one of the best science museums in the country. The Museum’s scientist Kevin Delaney has even appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon! MOD always has exciting events and exhibits such as the Tesla Theater, Tornado Alley, and Tinkerfest. Science After Dark provides fun exhibits—along with food and adult beverages—for the older crowd. MOD even offers a variety summer day camps for children ages 4-13! You and your family will not want to miss out on the nationally renowned Museum of Discovery. Learn More!

Lake Ouachita

Lake Ouachita

If your family is looking to enjoy the outdoors—which is unavoidable in Arkansas—you may consider visiting Arkansas’ many beautiful lakes. About an hour west of Little Rock, outside of Hot Springs, sits Lake Ouachita, along with the man-made lakes Hamilton and Catherine. Greers Ferry Lake, anouther popular boating and water recreation destination, is about 60 miles north of Little Rock. Learn More!

As its website suggests, Lake Ouachita is “one of the cleanest lakes in America” and is “a water sports mecca for swimming, skiing, scuba diving, boating, and fishing.” Anglers can enjoy a wide variety of fish species in the open areas of the lake or in its many beautiful and peacefully quiet coves. The shady coves, as well as the islands, are favorite anchoring spots for boating parties who are playing, fishing, or just doing a little exploring.

Lake Hamilton is also a popular destination for water lovers and a major attraction in the Hot Springs area. Many Hamilton inhabitants spend their summers in beautiful shore side lake houses, and there are endless options for dining, entertainment, and lodging surrounding the lake. You can even take your family for a lake cruise on the Belle of Hot Springs!

North of Little Rock, Greers Ferry Lake is known for its year-round crystal-clear waters that provide for excellent fishing and sport opportunities alike. Found at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, its shores are surrounded by breathtaking rock outcroppings, trees, and wildlife. Don’t miss this leading tourist destination!

These are just a few of the many indoor and outdoor attractions that the Central Arkansas area has to offer. If you move here, you will not be left with limited options for entertainment!

The Economic Growth of Little Rock & Central Arkansas

The Little Rock area is the central hub of Arkansas’ economy. Central Arkansas has enjoyed significant economic and population growth in recent history, and the Little Rock area continues to grow, gaining more and more impressive national ratings in economy, commerce, and industry. Little Rock has recently made Kiplinger’s “10 Great Places to Live,” Gallup’s “America’s Happiest Cities,” Moody’s “Most Diverse Economy in the Nation,” Forbes “Top 200 Best Places for Business and Careers, as well as Kiplinger’s “Best Value City” feature.

According the City’s website, Little Rock and the Central Arkansas area have seen over $2.5 billion in economic development since 1994. This growth has been both characterized and facilitated by an increasingly active private sector and a highly dedicated Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Strong economic growth in Central Arkansas has also driven new commercial and residential real estate development trends. In 2015, Little Rock saw significant commercial real estate development, exemplified by new retail and industrial areas.

Even more significant commercial growth has appeared in the past few years. Shoppers from all over the state now come to Little Rock to visit the Outlets at Little Rock, the Bass Pro Shop, stores and restaurants at Shackleford Crossing, and the new Dave and Buster’s sports bar and arcade.

Central Arkansas is a great place to start a business—the state offers tax incentives for industrial and economic development. Advantage Arkansas Income Tax Credit, ArkPlus, Create Rebate, Free Port Law of Arkansas, InvestArk Sales and Use Tax Credit, Targeted Business and Tax Back Sales & Use Tax Refund are just some of the programs in place to offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to get off the ground or establish their business in Arkansas while enjoying low taxes.

The Hewlett Packard presence in Conway

The Hewlett Packard presence in Conway

Major industry has also been increasingly active in Central Arkansas. Aviation, for instance, has been and continues to be a dynamic industry in the Little Rock area. Little Rock is home to the facilities of companies such as Dassault Falcon Jet, Raytheon, and Central Flying Service that contribute greatly to the economy and provide tons of jobs. Biotechnology is also an emerging industry in Central Arkansas.

Aside from the growing commercial and industrial sectors, real estate development in Central Arkansas has been impressive. The area has seen “years of steady appreciation in commercial real estate values,” and this appreciation is expected to continue as more and more real estate is demanded for business and industrial growth. 

All in all, this increased activity has boosted the Central Arkansas economy. The increased business activity in the local economy has led to greater cash flow, the creation of countless new jobs, and new residential real estate transactions and development. If you are deciding where to move or start your business, choose Central Arkansas and become part of the increasingly strong economy!

Great Areas of Central Arkansas Volume 7: North Little Rock

North Little Rock is another excellent place to live in central Arkansas. Located on the other side of the Arkansas River from Little Rock, North Little Rock provides a vast array of inviting neighborhoods, and the downtown area has experienced impressive growth over the past several years. The city’s neighborhoods offer the same quality living as in Little Rock, but generally at a more affordable level.

NLR's Argenta Area

NLR's Argenta Area

Founded as Argenta, North Little Rock officially became a city in 1901. The name Argenta refers specifically to downtown North Little Rock, and this area continues to honor its history by brilliantly preserving its beautiful early twentieth century buildings. The City Hall is one of these buildings, which still bears the name “Argenta.” The Argenta area is celebrated to this day—the Arts & Entertainment District has become an increasingly popular hub for community events, farmers’ markets, live theater and comedy, excellent new restaurants, craft beer, vibrant night life, and much more. You will definitely want to experience everything the Argenta Arts & Entertainment District has to offer! If you like the downtown scene, there are also great apartments and town homes in the area. And in the spring, don’t forget to catch an Arkansas Travelers baseball game at Dickey Stevens Park, and take a tour of the World War II submarine USS Razorback!

The USS Razorback

The USS Razorback

Beyond Argenta, North Little Rock offers many other great locations for living. The Park Hill and Lakewood areas are beautiful suburban neighborhoods that provide boundless options for family living, all within a lusciously green suburban area. Here you will find a wide variety of home sizes and architectural styles to suit your taste. Tucked away in the Lakewood neighborhood, in the T.R. Pugh Memorial Park, is The Old Mill, a distinctive and beautiful historic landmark that was featured in Gone With The Wind. Further east, you can shop, dine and stay in the McCain Mall area, which offers a vast array of stores and restaurants. To the west, splash on down to Wild River Country, Arkansas’ largest water park!

The Old Mill

The Old Mill

This article mentions just a few of the many attractions and excellent neighborhoods that North Little Rock has to offer. If you are considering a move to Central Arkansas, you don’t want to miss out on seeing the beautiful areas of North Little Rock and the increasingly popular Argenta area!

Great Areas of Central Arkansas Volume 6: Benton & Bryant

If you are looking for a place outside of the big city, the Little Rock area has some delightful suburbs that offer affordable home options with access to all the amenities of city living. Benton and Bryant are two of these Little Rock suburbs well worth looking at when searching for a new home in the Little Rock area!

Benton Square

Benton Square

Located just southwest of Little Rock along Interstate 30, Benton is the county seat of Saline County and has enjoyed significant growth over the past few years. Benton is a colorful and sunny community with plenty of Southern charm. The increasing popularity of the city is evident by its population increase of about 30% over the past ten years, and the community continues to grow and develop today.

Benton offers excellent value—the city has the advantage of providing a quality of suburban living equal to that of Little Rock, but with a more affordable price range. Benton residents have said that the city boasts an increasingly strong business community and an active chamber of commerce organization, and is an excellent environment for raising a family. Benton also has excellent ratings for schools and education.

Also along Interstate 30, between Little Rock and Benton, is another delightful suburb. Although smaller than Benton, the City of Bryant also offers great value for comfortable suburban living. The Keep Bryant Beautiful campaign and the Jumpstart urban revitalization program are also examples of Bryant’s vibrant and active community that will enjoy significant growth over the coming years.

Bryant High School

Bryant High School

The Southern charm of this area is perhaps the most attractive characteristic. Located between Little Rock and Hot Springs, both Benton and nearby Bryant provide antique seekers ample opportunity to search for treasures with several antique malls on both sides of the interstate. The Saline River has excellent fishing, scenery and back-country floating for the outdoors enthusiast. Aside from antiques and beautiful natural attractions, there are plenty of signature dining options in Benton and Bryant. Brown’s Country Store and Restaurant, for one, is an iconic attraction in Benton along I-30, and is a long-time favorite stop for Arkansans, out-of-state travelers, and local residents alike.

All in all, the Benton-Bryant area is an excellent choice for suburban living. If you’re looking for a new home for your family, the value is hard to beat! These beautiful Little Rock suburbs provide quiet suburban living with the amenities of the big city, as well as strong, family-oriented communities.

Countdown to Your Move

Being prepared for your move to Central Arkansas is very important. There are many things to do and details to take care of before you move to a new home. Making a plan to take care of those things in the weeks leading up to your moving date will help make the process MUCH less stressful and ensure that you have time to address everything that must be done before the move. Try using the following time table to prepare for your next move!

Four weeks before your move: 

    Submit an address change form with the post office. You can do this online at If you have children in school, notify the schools of the address change, along with your church, magazine subscriptions, etc. Gather all of your family’s medical records and if you are moving to Central Arkansas (Little Rock, Benton, Bryant, Maumelle, North Little Rock, etc.) from a different city, ask your current doctor for recommendations in the new location. It is also wise to begin creating an inventory of each possession, including the date purchased and the estimated value. Then, contact your utility providers to schedule a shutoff date and turn-on date for your old and new homes. Also include newspaper delivery, trash pick-up, and lawn services.

Three to two weeks before your move: 

    If you have homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, contact your carrier to transfer the insurance to your new home. If you are moving long distance, make arrangements to move any plants and pets you have. Also, finalize any travel arrangements to your new home. It’s also important to dispose of any flammable items like gasoline, matches, bleach, cleaning liquids, and aerosol cans before leaving your old home. Don’t forget to drain the gasoline from your lawnmower or any other gas-powered lawn equipment.

The week before your move: 

    Arrange the payment at your new destination. Determine which items you will travel with personally, such as jewelry or other small valuables, and prepare adequate travel packing for them.

The day before your move: 

    Whether or not you are moving long distance, prepare a box of things you will need when you arrive at your new home. You can take this box with you and have your Brandon Co. driver load and unload it first. Also make sure that all packing services have been completed before signing for them.

On moving day: 

    Plan to be at your current home when Brandon Co. movers arrive to supervise the loading of your shipment. If you are not able to be at your home during that time, be sure to give the Brandon Co. driver the name and number of the person you’ve designated to be there for you. As your items are being loaded, our representative will check the condition of your possessions and inventory them with you. After the loading, make a final walk-through of your home to ensure that nothing important has been overlooked. Sign the Bill of Lading while double-checking that your new address, phone number, and chosen valuation are correct. Before you leave, don’t forget to lock all the doors and windows and turn off the lights one last time!

    Plan to be at your new home a day early if possible to ensure that the utilities are connected and to plan the placement of furniture and other large items in your home. Finally, plan to be present to pay the driver prior to the unloading of your possessions and to review and approve the inventory checklist. More important than anything, though, is to relax and enjoy your brand new home!


    It’s important to take measures to protect your belongings from damage. When moving to a new home, many people are unaware of the options that are available to protect their valuable items.

    First, you must know what your belongings are worth. Valuation is the process by which the customer makes a declaration of value of the possessions before the items are loaded for moving. Begin by making a list of all of your possessions and their approximate value. Primarily, this list should include the most expensive and valuable items. Don’t worry about smaller, less valuable items until you have valued your more expensive possessions. TVs and other electronics, appliances, and furniture are the most important to value, and this estimate can be easily calculated. You may be surprised how much everything adds up to! If you have valuable hobby items or collectibles—golf clubs, musical instruments, firearms, etc.—be sure to include a valuation of these in the overall estimate.

There are two levels of basic liability any moving company has to offer: "‘full value’ and ‘released value,’ or ‘basic liability.’  These are known as "valuation" coverage.”  This coverage is not insurance.  With full value protection, the moving company is responsible for the entire value of your possessions during the moving process.  “Full value protection” costs more, and the moving company is required to repair, replace, or make a cash settlement for any items that become damaged.  

With "full value coverage," charges are based on a declared value and a deductible amount chosen. Your belongings would be replaced at the value declared minus the chosen deductible if the item cannot be repaired. For instance, a flat screen TV valued at $1,000 is compensated at $1,000 minus any deductible, if the item cannot be repaired.  

Released value coverage,” more commonly referred to as “basic liability,” comes with protection that is provided at no charge, but the protection for any damaged items is minimal. “Released value coverage” is based on item weight, not item value.  Your shipment would be reimbursed at a value of 60 cents per pound, per item. A flat screen TV valued at $1,000 that weighs 56 pounds would be compensated at $33.60 (56 lbs. x 0.60).


When moving, it is important to remember to protect your possessions from any potential damage that may happen.  Always ask the moving company about the types of coverage they offer for customers.  


The City of Maumelle is another excellent place to live in the Little Rock area. Located on the West side of North Little Rock and extending west to Interstate 430, this family-oriented city offers comfortable suburban living at very reasonable prices. Maumelle includes everything its residents need—from a vast array of restaurants and stores to excellent golf courses—all just a stone’s throw away from the attractions of Little Rock and North Little Rock. Perhaps the best aspect of Maumelle is its combination of comfortable suburban living options and beautiful natural attractions.

Maumelle is a largely residential area marked by its peaceful suburban neighborhoods. This area was developed beginning in the 1980s and has expanded significantly in the years since. Family-sized homes are abundant and affordable, and many new and beautiful apartment complexes and condominiums have developed in the city, such as the Fountaine-Bleau Apartments just northeast of Maumelle Boulevard. The subdivisions surrounding Lake Willastein and the Maumelle Country Club, as well as those surrounding Odom Boulevard are excellent places to find a suitable family home or luxury apartment.

Aside from its many living options, Maumelle also provides a great environment for the outdoor enthusiast. Maumelle Campground sits along the beautiful Arkansas River, offering boating, fishing and birding. The campground offers 128 spacious campsites with electric hookups, along with eight large group picnic shelters. Amenities include a dock, hot showers, a boat ramp and playground. Further, Pinnacle Mountain State Park is just two miles from the campground. The 13 mountain trails at Pinnacle range from easy to strenuous, and each one promises captivating scenery. Maumelle has two recreational lakes, Lake Willastein and Lake Valencia, both surrounded by park land, bicycle trails, and wooden bridges. Picnicking and fishing are available at both lakes. Maumelle also has one of the most extensive municipal bicycle trail systems in Arkansas (13 miles) that offers access to wooded greenbelts.

For the golfer, the Maumelle Country Club offers an 18-hole championship golf course featuring beautiful terrain and natural surroundings. Maumelle Country Club offers the perfect mix of leisure and competitive golf. The Club holds monthly tournaments through the Men's and Women's Golf Associations, as well as numerous couple's and Pro Shop sponsored events throughout the year.

Maumelle is also the home of Brandon Moving & Storage! Over the years, we've come to appreciate the convenience and beauty of Maumelle. It's a wonderful place to call home!

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Great Areas of Central Arkansas Vol. 4: Little Rock - Kingwood, Leawood, & Cammack Village

The heart of Little Rock includes an array of beautiful suburban neighborhoods. This area is situated just west of University Avenue, both north and south of Cantrell Road...


Leawood is a beautiful suburban neighborhood in the central part of Little Rock. This neighborhood extends south of Cantrell Road to Rodney Parham Road, between Mississippi Avenue and Reservoir Road. Leawood was developed in the 1970s and features many different architectural styles. Smartly renovated as well as completely new homes can also be found. Perhaps the best feature of Leawood, however, is its natural beauty. The houses are tucked away among the lush greenery that covers all of this neighborhood's rolling hills and valleys. Large pine trees are also a distinctive feature of the neighborhood that provide ample shade. A series of creeks also flow throughout the neighborhood, adding to the peaceful, natural feel.  


Cammack Village is an active, face-to-face community with just under 1,000 residents, nestled in the heart of Central Arkansas.  Located within driving distance of popular shopping, dining, and entertainment venues, Cammack Village offers residents a small town feel without the long drives into town. Cammack Village is divided into four subdivisions: Cammack Woods, Jefferson Heights, Palisades Estates, and Pinnacle Point. Today, the city primarily comprises the original military housing located in the Cammack Woods subdivision, though many have been enlarged from their original 870 square feet. On its north end, The Palisades Estates and Pinnacle Point subdivisions feature several mansions that overlook the Arkansas River.


The Kingwood neighborhood is nestled north of Cantrell Road, between Cammack Village and Foxcroft. Like Leawood, this neighborhood is marked by its rolling hills and natural beauty. Living up to its name, Kingwood features abundant shade from its large trees and offers its residents surroundings of lush forestry. Much of this neighborhood was developed in the 1960s, but also features many newer homes. Kingwood is an excellent place for families, as most homes in this neighborhood are family-sized, but families, couples, and single residents alike will find an array of suitable housing options tucked away in this beautiful suburban area adjacent to the Arkansas River.

Great Areas of Central Arkansas Vol. 3: Little Rock - Qaupaw & SOMA

Downtown Little Rock offers the widest variety of living options. In addition to upscale condominiums, lofts, and studio apartments in the busiest part of town, downtown Little Rock is characterized by the beauty of its historic neighborhoods.


The Villa Marre

The Villa Marre

Located just south of Little Rock’s business district, the Quapaw Quarter is the oldest and most historic district of Little Rock and is an excellent choice for living. This historic district is home to the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion and the Museum of Arkansas Military History in MacArthur Park—the oldest municipal park in the city. Throughout the Quapaw Quarter, a variety of stunningly beautiful homes from the Antebellum and Victorian eras can be found, in addition to several examples of Craftsman-style architecture. Scott, Center and Spring streets, in particular, are where many such homes stand today. The exterior of the Villa Marre, for example, is known nationally as featured on the CBS sitcom Designing Women. In addition to beautiful and uniquely historic homes, the Quapaw Quarter features some of Little Rock’s oldest churches and schools, such as the St. Edward Church and School, established in 1885.


Shops in SOMA

Shops in SOMA

The Quapaw Quarter is situated next to the South on Main (“SOMA”) area, which offers a vibrant new nightlife, exceptional dining, and comfortable living. Stretching from I-630 on the North side and Roosevelt Boulevard to the South, SOMA is characterized by quaint streets full of excellent local establishments that provide a wide and unique range of dining, shopping, and nightlife. Antique stores, art galleries, and locally owned restaurants serving critically-acclaimed cuisine are found along South Main Street. Community Bakery, for instance, established in 1947, is a long-time favorite of all Little Rock residents and visitors. The Root Café offers an eclectic, down-home dining environment and features only food grown by Arkansas farmers. The newer South on Main restaurant and bar offers fine dining with a southern twist, excellent live music acts, and an impressive selection of unique drinks to enjoy while taking in its charming atmosphere. These are just a few of the many excellent dining and nightlife options in the SOMA district. A wide array of quaint living options, including houses, town homes, and studio apartments, surround the Main Street area and reflect the historic charm of the area.


Great Areas of Central Arkansas Vol. 2: West Little Rock

If you prefer a more suburban setting with more room, or perhaps a quiet neighborhood to start a family, West Little Rock offers high-quality, comfortable living.


Chenal Homes

Chenal Homes

Chenal is a scenic community of impressive homes, luxury condos, championship golf courses, fine dining, shopping, outdoor recreation and so much more. Chenal is well known for having the most sought-after Central Arkansas homes. Whether you’re looking for a beautiful house in a specific neighborhood, a view overlooking the golf course, or lots to build your dream retreat, you’ll find it in this expansive subdivision. Chenal has seen enormous growth over the past ten years and offers a very wide range of living options in addition to upscale shopping and impressive dining options. The Promenade at Chenal —from beautiful large family homes to new upscale apartments for single residents or couples. Located near the Chenal Country Club, Chenal Valley is characterized by its eye-catchingly elegant houses and beautiful golf courses.


Pleasant Valley Country Club

Pleasant Valley Country Club

West Little Rock’s prestigious Pleasant Valley is another beautiful neighborhood that offers comfortable suburban living in the midst of stunning natural scenery. Pleasant Valley is a large area that includes a variety of living options as well as excellent schools, churches, neighborhood pools, and golf courses. Pleasant Valley Country Club is the premier country club of Arkansas, featuring a 27-hole championship golf course of rolling hills and tree-lined fairways. In addition to stunningly beautiful homes of many different sizes and styles, Pleasant Valley is also home to Christ the King Catholic Church and School, Saint James United Methodist Church, and Temple B’nai Israel, and Pulaski Academy, just to name a few. In the rolling hills of Pleasant Valley, one will find the beautiful subdivisions of Pebble Beach, Marlowe Manor, Hillsborough, and Valley View, among many others. Impressive shopping and dining options are also found within this beautiful suburban area.


Pleasant Ridge Town Center

Pleasant Ridge Town Center

The Pleasant Ridge Area is another beautiful suburb in West Little Rock, providing resort-style living at a prime location. Nestled in between prestigious Pleasant Ridge Town Center and Pinnacle Mountain, Pleasant Ridge offers the best of both worlds—near entertainment, shopping, and fine dining and also beautiful hiking trails by the Arkansas River. Pleasant Ridge Town Center is one of Little Rock's premier shopping centers and features all of the elements that appeal to the discriminating shopper. The Center is home to stores such as Belk and restaurants like Bar Louie and Bonefish Grill. In addition to beautiful homes that overlook the Arkansas River (Walton Heights), this part of West Little Rock offers an array of newly constructed condominiums and luxury apartments at reasonable prices.